Support Alle

alle with hat

There Are No Superheroes, Just Us.

It doesn’t take money – all it takes is sharing something you have in large supply – a supply that daily replenishes – donate your stem cells or your bone marrow.  Blood cancers are treatable and curable but they require a bone marrow transplant.  Alle will continue chemotherapy treatments until a transplant is available.  It is a delicate balance between killing the cancer cells and killing the patient.  Time is of the essence.

You have asked if there is anything you can do to help. The answer is yes.  Register yourself and your friends  to be a bone marrow match at

If you are already registered or you are not in the age range – please encourage at least one other person to register.  What else can you do?   Both blood and platelet donations are critically important for all cancer patients. 

Anyone age 18-44 can register to donate bone marrow or stem cells.
Age 16 – 100 can donate blood products.

Thank you for being a hero.